Guyana Coastal Database

Guyana Coastal Database is a local and web-based database of open geospatial data. This is a platform whereby coastal practitioners in Guyana can access geospatial data and analytical tools to support their daily and/or operational planning aimed at coastal/marine disaster risk preparation and management, coastal conservation, and/or developing appropriate responses (adaptation or mitigation) to climate change.  Its main goal is to facilitate easy access to geospatial data to support the use of GIS technology in Guyana. This database collects openly available remotely sensed data, maps, geospatial layers and published documents on Guyana’s Coastal environment. The Guyana Coastal Database, as a single web platform, is used to make the datasets on coastal environments openly available freely to practitioners and wider stakeholders.

To improve the ability of decision-makers, environmental managers, conservationists, disaster risk managers, policymakers, governmental and non-governmental institutions and researchers in making informed decisions for current or projections of future coastal change scenarios for Guyana, the integration and combination of morphological data with other change causal real-time measurements are critical. Our goals are twofold: (i) to provide downloadable datasets that could be utilised in supporting analytical services on coastal-marine environments; (ii) to develop a full web-based data integration and analysis system to capture observation and monitoring at the Guyana catchment-coastal-marine interface.

We hope that this development will raise Guyana’s capacity and capability by providing open access to a range of environmental datasets across different platforms and timeframes. These can be used to generate quantitative and qualitative information and support subsequent analyses for the benefit of Guyana’s coastal environment stakeholders.

Currently, all datasets available on this web platform are in the public domain.  This platform brings them from various sources to provide a single and well-tailored platform for easy access to these datasets. As this is an ongoing project, more datasets as they become available or shared with us would be integrated into this platform. We are also working on data integration and analysis methodology that could be used to monitor and analyse catchment-coastal-marine morphodynamics and behaviour, as well as a system of comprehensive feeding of collation of data to this central database system. These developments would be made available via this platform soon.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide a web-based georeferenced database platform that could be assessed by different stakeholders for their integration and analysis in capturing observation of, and monitoring, Guyana’s catchment-coastal-marine interface.

We do hope that this platform will raise Guyana’s capacity and capability by providing open access to a range of environmental datasets across different platforms and timeframes. These georeferenced datasets can be used to generate quantitative and qualitative information and support subsequent analyses for the benefit of Guyana’s coastal environment stakeholders.

Data that generates ideas and innovation in coastline management

Team Members

Share with us
Please do not hesitate to share with us –datasets, documents, information or any published materials on Guyana's coastal-marine catchment. Such could be emailed to us, and we do hope to make them available and integrated into the platform as long as there is no restriction on their sharing, and the due acknowledgement would be made to you or the relevant sources. Email us at
Or send us a quick message below.
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